MT400P Planetary Killer Telescope OPTICAL TUBE ASSEMBLY
This project was born from a dream. Tony’s dream of Telescope(Thailand)Co.Ltd.
who was looking for the ultimate planetary telescope. Unique.
An uncompromising telescope that goes beyond what is available on the market.
Mechanical, optical, materials, and 3D design engineering and structural analysis skills were also required to design this telescope. Tony has the right person.
Then Matteo was involved, Matteo, the Italian Research and Development Manager in the automotive industry, with an aeronautical and mechanical background, as well as a designer of planetary telescopes and astronomical mounts and an amateur astronomer from birth.
At that moment it was no longer a dream. It was our goal.
We have analyzed the best available solutions on the market and what were the requirements to be a superior planetary telescope. Nothing on the market met our goals. No problem, we went further.
After a year of studies, 3D prototypes, analysis and continuous improvements, the version 20th of MT400p was the right one. The one that met all the requirements we set ourselves.
The MT400p was born.
MT400p is the high end Optic telescope design by Matteo and Tony of Telescope(Thailand)Co.Ltd.
Our design concept is to be the best telescope for Planetary viewing and astrophotography of the world. Telescope will be ready for 99% capability in a few minutes from beginning of use.
Mandatory design concept:
To minimize the optic error and production surface accuracy, the Dall-Kirkham was selected. This will use only 2 surfaces of optic, the less surface the less tolerance.
Comparing other two mirror surfaces design, the simulation show less error from the same tolerance of miss alignment (both of primary and secondary mirror on any displacement and tilt), comparing to Cassegrain type. This mean of better quality and easier result of the telescope mirror alignment.

To capture most of largest planet image (Jupiter on opposition 49.9″) on a CMOS 1/3″ chip size, the effectiveness comparing to pixel size of 2.9 micron, the 400 mm (16 inches) of aperture with focal length of 10,000 mm was selected. Also to approach the apochromatic optic, the aim of smallest secondary mirror just only 18.6% of primary mirror diameter. However, most of the other brand never show the actual central obstruction (only secondary mirror size), which have to include the secondary mirror light shield, we done only 19% the smallest size in the market.
The diffraction MTF graph show very close to refractor telescope (the upper line(Ideal). )
While those large degradation can be found on large central obstruction of wide field Ritchey-Cretien optic system(40-50% central obstruction), this will reduce the contrast of image quality. So, smaller central obstruction, the better of image contrast.
With our new telescope structure design, the rocket shape, can reduce unnecessary momentum of secondary part, tube and spider vanes. So, MT400p will make less of moment arm, better quality of telescope movement of any object with less inertia. Better on tracking of fast object like International Space Station and even from telescope mount corrected by auto-guide system. Optimizing the weigh/stiff of the telescope.
Telescope structure:
For internal tube current, which can occurs after internal tube temperature is different from out side temperature, flow of air mass can degrade the quality of image in close tube system.
So, the truss tube is selected. The most parts of telescope are use carbon fiber-reinforced polymers(CFRP). This will cutoff 50% of traditional cheap aluminum material. We use CFRP most of all over design parts to ensure that the telescope structure will have less to nearly negligible deformation in any operating direction.
The total weight is only 34 kg comparing to nearly 60 kg of Schmidt-Cassegrain at same aperture.
Baffle tube:
To make best enhance of viewing contrast of any dim object that close to bright object; for example Saturn close to the moon. We spent over 1 months for calculations and design a state of art primary baffle with 18 pcs of specific shield rings. And the result is incredible.
The core of this telescope are the mirrors. We choose Quartz material, no compromises. Most of telescope glass made from Borrosilicate, which have thermal expansion 6 times more than Quartz. The Rigid and stable, with very low thermal dilation of Quartz is our pride of primary mirror material. Any abrupt change of temperature initially exposed to ambient will take nearly none effect on the mirror shape quality. In additional, we also installed 3 fans for accelerate the thermal stabilized even for sooner. The fabrication of this mirror was done from Lockwood custom optic, show over all strehl ratio of 0.98 (ideal is 1.0) from interferometer test. The test was done from light stray through 2 mirrors to represent as actual operation.
Every single detail has deigned with a reason. Every single detail has been thought for be the best solution in terms of mechanicals function and beauty.
ผลงานภาพถ่าย MT400p Planetary Killer Telescope OPTICAL TUBE ASSEMBLY
วันที่ 7 ธันวาคม 2022
เวลา 21:05 น. (14:05 UT)
หอดูดาว บริษัทกล้องดูดาว(ประเทศไทย)จำกัด
ลาดกระบัง กรุงเทพฯ ประเทศไทย
CMI=230.7° CMII=17.6° CMIII=327.3° (during mid of capture)
ผู้บันทึกภาพ สุรกิจ ตุงควรวิทย์
ผู้ประมวลผล เชิดพงศ์ วิสารทานนท์
กล้องดูดาว MT400p
ขาตั้งกล้อง 10 Micron GM3000
ฟิลเตอร์ Chroma R,G,B
กล้องที่ใช้บันทึกภาพ Player One Saturn-M
ขนาดปรากฎของดาวพฤหัส 42.57 ฟิลิปดา
อันดับความสว่าง Magnitude -2.54
เลือกภาพที่ดีที่สุด 50% จาก 16,830 ภาพ
โปรแกรมบันทึกภาพ FireCapture
โปรแกรมประมวลผลเลือกภาพ AutoStakkert
โปรแกรมแก้การหมุนของดาว WinJupos
โปรแกรมตกแต่งภาพ Photoshop 2021